Our Mission

The foundation on which we built The Retreat was our love of fitness and for travel.

Our Retreats are built upon science based research ensuring you get the most from you body and mind whilst exploring an amazing location. Nutrition and sleep being two huge Focal points.

There are also team based scavenger hunt where you follow clues, solve riddles and complete mini fitness challenges to win prizes.


The coaches will provide a consultation before the retreat to fully understand any medical conditions and injuries as well as get an idea of your fitness level and goals. This way the retreat can be tailored to your needs. Food is nutritious and plentiful.

There will always be options to buy extra. Macro and fibre needs are covered with a decent amount of protein for training. Of course there will be plenty of fruit, vegetables and nuts as well.

At the same time, there is no guilt or pressure if you fancy that desert or a cocktail by the pool. This is your holiday!